A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z , Overview
English | to slander, to abuse, to curse |
German | schmähen |
French | détracter, insulter |
Active | PASSIVE | Participle |
masculine | feminine | NEUTER |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
maledīcor maledīceris maledīcitur maledīcimur maledīciminī maledīcuntur | maledīcēbar maledīcēbāris / maledīcēbāre maledīcēbātur maledīcēbāmur maledīcēbāminī maledīcēbantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
maledictum sum maledictum es maledictum est maledicta sumus maledicta estis maledicta sunt | maledictum eram maledictum erās maledictum erat maledicta erāmus maledicta erātis maledicta erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
maledīcar maledīcēris / maledīcēre maledīcētur maledīcēmur maledīcēminī maledīcentur | maledictum erō maledictum eris maledictum erit maledicta erimus maledicta eritis maledicta erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
maledīcar maledīcāris / maledīcāre maledīcātur maledīcāmur maledīcāminī maledīcantur | maledīcerer maledīcerēris / maledīcerēre maledīcerētur maledīcerēmur maledīcerēminī maledīcerentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
maledictum sim maledictum sīs maledictum sit maledicta sīmus maledicta sītis maledicta sint | maledictum essem maledictum essēs maledictum esset maledicta essēmus maledicta essētis maledicta essent |
Infinitive present
maledīcī Infinitive perfect
maledictum esse Infinitive future
maledictum īrī | Imperative present
maledīcere maledīciminī Imperative future
maledīcitor - maledīcuntor |
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