time | spatial | movement |
quantities | multiplicative | other numbers |
causal | questions | other |
abante | before, in front | |
abhinc | from here, from now on | |
āctūtum | right away | |
adhūc | until now | |
aliās | another time | |
aliquamdiū (aliquandiū) | rather long | |
aliquandō | some day | |
aliquantisper | for a while | |
ante | acc: | before, in front, forwards |
adv: | before, in front, forwards | |
anteā | before | |
antequam | conj: | before |
antīquitus | in the old days, long ago | |
cōnfestim | immediately | |
crās | tomorrow | |
cumque (cunque,quomque) | always, any time | |
dehinc | from now on, from this place | |
deinceps | successively, thereafter | |
deinde (dein) | after | |
diū | for a long time | |
diūtius | for a longer time | |
dōnec (dōnicum, dōnique) | conj: | while, as long as, until |
dūdum | since some time | |
dum | conj: | while, until, so long as |
etiam | conj: | still |
etiamnum (etiamnunc) | yet, still | |
exinde (exim, exin) | since then | |
extemplō | immediately | |
hauddum | not yet | |
herī (here) | yesterday | |
hīc (heic) | here, in this place, now | |
hodiē | today | |
iam | already, now, soon | |
iamdūdum (jamdūdum) | long ago | |
ibī | there, then | |
impraesentiārum | for now | |
inde | from there, since | |
interdiū | by day | |
interdum | sometimes | |
intereā | during | |
interim | during | |
jam | in this moment | |
māne | in the morning | |
modo | only, just now | |
mox | soon, soon after | |
nocte (noctū) | at night | |
nōnnumquam | sometimes | |
nudiūs | today is the (some number) day | |
numerō | quick, immedeatly | |
numquam (nunquam) | never | |
nunc | now | |
nunciam | exacly now | |
nūper | recently | |
ōlim | one day (past or future) | |
paulīsper (paullīsper) | a little time | |
perendiē | after tomorrow | |
pervesperī | very late in the evening | |
porrō | farther, further, also | |
post | acc: | behind, after, since |
adv: | behind, later | |
posteā | thereafter, later | |
posterius | later | |
posthāc | from now on | |
postibī | thereafter | |
postid | thereafter | |
postidea | thereafter | |
postillā | thereafter, later | |
postillāc | thereafter | |
postmodo | soon | |
postquam (posteāquam) | conj: | since, since then |
postrīdiē (postrīduō) | the next day, the next morning | |
prīdem | for a while | |
prīdiē | the day before | |
prīmitus | in the beginning, originally | |
priusquam | conj: | before |
propediem | soon | |
proximē (proxumē) | acc: | closest, very close, immediately after |
adv: | closest, very close, immediately after | |
proximō | just now | |
quamdiū | how long?, as long as | |
quandō | conj: | when, because |
adv: | when? | |
quandōcumque | as soon as | |
quandōlibet | one day | |
quandōque | conj: | as soon as, one time |
adv: | one day, sometimes | |
quātenus | conj: | because |
adv: | to what extent, how many times | |
quondam | sometimes | |
quoniam | conj: | after |
quotannis | every year, yearly | |
quotcalendis | on each calend | |
quotiēnslibet | as often as needed | |
quotiēns (quotiēs) | how many times? | |
quotiēnscumque | every time that, whenever | |
quotiēnsque | every time that, whenever | |
quoūsque | up to where?, until when? | |
saepe | often | |
saepius | more often | |
secundum | acc: | according to, following |
adv: | second, following, behind | |
semper | always | |
sēnsim | slowly, gradually | |
simītū | at the same time, at once | |
simul | abl: | at the same time as |
adv: | at the same time | |
statim | immediatley | |
subinde | immediately after, frequently | |
tantisper | as long | |
tum | then | |
tunc | at this moment | |
ubī | conj: | when, if |
adv: | where | |
umquam (unquam) | one day | |
ūsque | acc: | up to |
adv: | up to, until | |
ūsquequāque (quāque) | everywhere, on any occasion | |
ut (utī) | conj: | when |
adv: | as, same as | |
utcumque (utcunque) | conj: | as soon as |
adv: | by any means |
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